Carlos E. Castañeda and the Texas Knights of Columbus Historical Commission

In celebration of the Texas Knights of Columbus Historical Commission's centenary anniversary, the Texas Catholic Historical Society invites you to explore the exhibit Carlos E. Castañeda and the Texas Knights of Columbus Historical Commission. The Commission is remembered for its seven-volume publication, Our Catholic Heritage in Texas, 1519-1936, authored by Dr. Carlos E. Castañeda. Castañeda’s work is foundational because of his intersectional approach recording Texana, establishment of Catholicism, and documenting Catholic contributions to Texas statehood. In addition to his literary works, Castañeda is the namesake of the Perry-Castañeda Library at his alma mater, the University of Texas at Austin.

Within the exhibit, you may click on a photograph to expand and maximize the item's view. 


Text by Selena Aleman, Archivist of the Catholic Archives of Texas; Video by Ashley Valle, Digital Media Manager of the Diocese of Austin